Sunday, May 22, 2011

Still Doing Okay...


G got up with O so I got to sleep in.  Per O's request, they went out to "party" on the "big slide."

Went for a ride together when they were done, then nap time for O and laundry time, relax time for Mommy.  I went for a walk around the neighborhood (40 minutes) then Granny and Gramps came over to babysit so G & I could go see "Bridesmaids."  (funny, raunchy...good escape)

Dinner at home, bedtime for all.

Side effects: non-existent to minimal


I got up with O, he had breakfast, then we went on a walk:

This walk was only 30 minutes, but I assure you that pushing O in his stroller (with a wheel slightly out of alignment) up the hills around our house meant my heart and legs were working double-time, so I'm counting it as an hour!  (okay, I'm not really...but it was a good work out, I'm sure to be feeling it tomorrow...)

G & O are back partying at the "big slide" while I type this update.  I'm off to get ready for brunch with some colleagues, then I suspect we'll all rendezvous here for the afternoon.  Rumor has it Auntie Feather is coming for a visit.

Side effects: non-existent to minimal...I admit to some stomach upset right now but am attributing that to the exertion of the walk more than anything else!

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