Monday, April 23, 2012

C-DIFF, or something like it

So, for the past two weeks I've been dealing with mostly on again, but sometimes off again, symptoms that have me concerned that the C-Diff is recurring.  If you don't recall, I had a nice bout of it after my mastectomy in November.

This has not been so bad, but in duration alone I began to get concerned so I finally emailed Dr. Chui (on a Sunday....I'm horrible.....and he wrote me back....because he's wonderful!)

In no particular order, the cause could be:

  * recurring C-Diff
  * some other GI bug
  * a reaction to metformin (which I may or may not be taking in my clinical study)

I confess I'm torn: if it's the C-Diff, it's a quick course of antibiotics and it's gone, which is good.  BUT if it's the metformin it means I'm actually taking metformin, and not a sugar pill...which would be cool to know, since I want to do everything I can to kill the cancer!

However, in order to determine the cause of my distress, I had to pop on in for another fabulous lab test.

And you know what's worse than having to give a stool sample, I learned this morning?

NOT HAVING ONE TO GIVE.  I had to sit in the lab for almost an hour waiting for nature to take its course.  Once again, the lab techs were super-duper-nice, but it's just so humiliating!!!  "Any minute now!" I kept saying, patting my stomach.  Guh.

My "BRAT" diet is obviously helping with the problem so that's good, especially because I am supposed to attend a conference the rest of the week.  The good news is, the conference is local so I will be sleeping in my own bed while I hopefully recover.

And you know me: I took a picture today at the lab--

I say it again: IT'S ALL SO GLAMOROUS!
In other news, I got my hair cut.  I went to a "curl" specialist trained in the Ouidad techniques.  I guess the bummer of that I had failed to consider was that we would CELEBRATE my curls as opposed to eliminate them.  So I still look like an old lady who went to the SuperCuts and asked for the hot-pink-roller perm special....and I still hate it....but I have better products in it.  I really, really, really can't wait for it to grow out.  Even though I'm fairly convinced the grow-out will include a few months of ungodly poof-i-ness, the weight of longer hair will help.  And for most people the curl is temporary anyway so: FINGERS CROSSED.  I don't mind a little wave, but this is RIDICULOUS!

On the plus side, we've had three beautiful days in a row here in Portland (though that's supposed to end tonight) which has lifted my spirits!  Once I get this gastro-intestinal situation under control, I might just start EXERCISING again!

Friday, April 6, 2012

It was One Year Ago Today

Today I was treated to lunch by my fabulous co-workers who spoiled me the WHOLE TIME I was getting treatment...shouldn't I be buying THEM lunch?

And a gift to boot, what wonderful friends I have.

I was reminded that one year ago today, in fact right around this time I think, I was walking into Epic Imaging in Beaverton for my mammogram....which then became an ultrasound.....which then became a biopsy.....and an unofficial diagnosis of breast cancer (along with prescriptions for Lorazepam and Vicodin!)

Poor G had just started his new job and was at Disneyland (formerly the Happiest Place on Earth) for a conference with his new colleagues when he got the news...which at first he did not believe as I texted him from the exam table bawling my eyes out.

I still remember with gratitude the nurse and doctor at Epic Imaging.  Their sympathy, of course, but also their willingness to do all of the procedures that day and the doctor's willingness to give me the news without saying I had to wait 48 hours for the results (when it was so obvious from the scans).  

And friend SH and cousin L who both rallied to help out around the house since I was not allowed to lift O for the first several days and most of my immediate family was out of town. 

Those first few days were among the worst, because I just did not know what was in store.  Other days in the past year have been bad and equally tear-filled, but I will never forget hearing that I had cancer.

As for today, my skin is healing up great and I finally have a hair appointment with a woman who specializes in curly hair.  It's not until the 23rd but when I told the receptionist what I look like these days, she also put me on a wait-list in case there are cancellations between now and then:

"I look like Marcia Clark!!!!!"
(having done a "google images" search for Ms Clark I should have qualified that with "circa 1994"....girl's had a little work done since then...)

I'm sure my entries here in this blog will be less frequent, but I'll try to keep up with it at least once every few weeks even if it's just to say I'm seizing the day!