Monday, May 16, 2011

Big Week Ahead

So, this little blogger program had some issues last week...the last post I wrote, which says it was written on Saturday was actually written on Thursday the 12th...but technical issues put things on hold for a few days (obviously) and then I edited the post a bit.  So there you go.

Friday's surgery went just fine.  Although they billed the anesthesia as something that will put you in a "sleepy state" I was OUT like a light (which is a-okay with me).  This surgery involved a small incision in one of my veins for the guide-wire and then a larger incision below for the actual "Smart Port" insertion so I have one small bandage on my neck and a larger dressing on my chest.  The port is used for blood draws and chemo or other IV infusions so I will have it for the duration of chemo.  I honestly don't know when it will be removed...I'm guessing during my mastectomy?  Or maybe it has to be completely separate.  I have no idea.

It will look something like this when it is used:

The hardest part of all of this is not being able to pick up O, of course, but G is doing an admirable job of lugging him around for both of us.  We also had help Saturday from cousin KJ, and then my mom and sister came over yesterday for some additional relief and assistance.

Chemo starts Thursday and it probably goes without saying that I remain very anxious about what lies ahead as far as the side-effects go, but I'm trying not to dwell... 

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