Friday, September 9, 2011


Today is the first day since starting chemo that I have stayed home from work because I was sick.

This morning I woke up at about 3:00 in the morning, achy and with really bad chills and congestion.  I didn't really fall back to sleep.  At about 6:00 I was wrestling with whether or not to go to work (I had two court appearances and I didn't want other people to have to cover for me)...

I decided to take my temperature and let that be the deciding factor.  It was about 100 degrees.  I'm supposed to call in if I hit 100.2, especially if I have chills, etc.  SO: at 100 degrees I decided that staying home was the best plan because what I didn't want to do was push it at work and end up in the hospital for the weekend!

Before this all started, I actually envisioned many days like the one I've had today: snoozing and catching up on my DVR'd shows.  So, I suppose that the fact I've made it four months without taking an actual full sick day is something of an accomplishment...

Today I also discovered the joy of Starbucks' new Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino.  Even though I feel like crap I cannot recommend this highly enough.

G gets home tonight, and I'm hopeful that I'll be feeling better by tomorrow.  ESPECIALLY since Mommy and Daddy aren't going to be around to spoil me with Frappuccinos and all the other great stuff they're doing for us!!!!

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