Thursday, September 15, 2011

High Maintenance

As I head out to my third A/C treatment I am realizing how high maintenance this whole thing is getting.

My cold continues to be an issue and I'm now coughing more than I was, though I feel better so that is good.  I haven't had a significant fever since Saturday (though I've had some low-grade fevers throughout the week) and that has been nice.  In an effort to help with all the extra nasal fluids Greg went out over the weekend and got me a Neti Pot.  Now that I have the hang of it it's not so bad but those first few attempts were no fun.  It does seem to help at night with congestion and coughing so I'll keep up with it.

This week my nails began to separate from the nail beds.  Hot.  Even more hot?  The nail beds are getting infected.  Most hot of all?  Dr. Chui assures me my nails are going to fall off since this is happening.  There is nothing to prevent that from happening at this point, but to keep the infections at least managed I am having to treat my nail beds with soaks of water and hydrogen peroxide a few times a day.

SO: add Neti Pot & Finger Soaks to the list including special mouthwash(es) four times daily, antacid in the morning, steroids in the mornings after treatment, vitamins, ativan & tylenol in the evening....and I'm one high maintenance chick these days!

Thanks to everyone for your sweet notes about Emmitt.  We miss him, but it was really the right thing to do.  He was at the end.

Otherwise things here are plugging along.  I will be glad to be done with today, even though it means by Saturday I'm going to be feeling bad again.

BUT I'll be able to tell myself: ONLY ONE MORE after today so that's something to look forward to, instead of just thinking about today's appointment with DREAD.

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