Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

This congestion is starting to really be a drag.

I am beginning to think my brain has sprung a leak!!!!

My nose is stuffed and I'm also coughing a lot which I think is more related to the runny nose than any indication that the infection has migrated to my chest...and while I don't seem to have a fever per se, I am achy again too.

So yesterday I went into work in the morning to cover my hearings and then came home and crawled into bed.  And this morning I woke up ready to head in, but I still don't feel great, so I decided to stay home again.

This is a weird feeling for me.  I tend to be a "death's door" sick person--meaning, I have to almost pass out in the shower or something before I'll call in sick.  But I'm trying to remember that even though this isn't a horrible cold, I need to do a better job taking care of myself to prevent it from becoming one than if I weren't going through all this other stuff....

Luckily I have great co-workers who are willing to help me out or this would be much, much harder.

So for now I'm just sitting here, waiting for my nose to stop running.

And despite not feeling 100%, I will go to my doctor's appointment today: my plastic surgery consult.  Hopefully I will have a clearer understanding of what my options are after today.

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