Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pill Popper

It's my "off week" this week which means respite from the AC and no trips to the drip-drip lounge!

First, the good news: the Pepcid that Dr. Chui recommended has helped tremendously.  Now when I wake up in the middle of the night and toss and turn at least it doesn't also feel like someone is holding an open flame to my esophagus!  Additionally, the special mouthwash(es) he prescribed to help with the mouth sores keep my gums nice and numb and I've not noticed any new flare ups there so another plus.

Now, the not as good news: I continue to fight a cold (or something) so my coughing is still quite annoying and it's definitely...productive...and I'm achy-achy-achy so I am now on a steady diet of Tylenol and Ibuprofen (I like to change it up from time to time.....I have no medical basis for doing this....).  The pills help me get through the days and nights but I find myself really having to push through it at times.  I obviously have no sense of how much of the achiness is just chemo related vs. fighting a cold...nor do I know if I'd have the same cold if I weren't on chemo.  I don't know that it matters one way or the other, because it's just one big ball of suck.

Fortunately, my parents have been staying at the house this week while G is on his annual golf trip with 11 of his closest friends.  I truly could not do it without them!  My Dad is the handyman that G & I are not: the vacuum filters are being replaced and cleaned (those of you with animals know how pet hair can really make your vacuum stinky), our exterior faucets have all gotten new washers so they don't leak anymore, the yard is watered, etc.  As O says, "Gwandpa can fix ANYTHING!"  My Mom is like the world's best cleaning lady--there is not a spot anywhere to be found in our house, the laundry is done, the meals are cooked, O is bathed, changed and entertained....We really appreciate everything they have done and will do during this time (and, frankly, before I had The Big C...and undoubtedly once I'm done with the Big C...)

I have my appointment with the plastic surgeon in two weeks so I should know more about what I'll be doing in that department, and I'm scheduled for another mammogram, ultrasound & meeting with Dr. Naik two weeks after the chemo is done.  I've got an OR reserved in my name for Friday, October 28th so assuming I stay on track that will be the next big thing!

Dr. Chui says I could probably even do it the 21st because I've been doing so well, but with his blessing I've opted to join G in Chicago for a long weekend.  It will be our first trip away together without O EVER (can you believe that?!?!?!) and I think it will be nice for us to have a little time between the chemo and the surgery...and bonus!  I found out my sorority little sis who is from Chicago will be in town that weekend too!  So I'll get to see miss liz and she'll help me fill the time while G and his co-workers are in meetings. 

I guess that's about it from here.  I'm  hanging in there but it IS harder, I definitely don't feel as good as I did before, but I'm halfway through the AC and closer and closer to the finish line at this point so I'm trying to focus on that.

Peace out!

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