Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So Busy!!

Sorry it's been so long since I've caught up.  I'm still doing okay, I'm just much busier than I have been in quite a while thanks in large part to my new assignment at work.

Last week I did enjoy catching up with an old friend, Kate, who is a BC survivor.  I have to say, there is something about talking to someone who's "been there, done that" that is very therapeutic.  That is not to suggest that talking to all of my wonderful friends who haven't been there isn't, but as you would expect, it is different...

Saturday O & I wished cousin Ava a happy second birthday at her carnival-themed party!  We went there with my parents, and then they took him home for a slumber party.  I hear he met some old friends of the family while he was there on Sunday.

Meanwhile, G spent the weekend at a motorcycle safety course and now he has his motorcycle driver's endorsement on his driver's license.

In other news, some friends from work have organized meal deliveries every Monday and Wednesday.  It started last week, and so many co-workers signed up that we will have dinners dropped off into October.  It is so humbling and amazing to us how many people have stepped up to the plate, and it is a huge help to us!  The rules include our not needing to write personal thank you notes (also very helpful) but there was no rule against thanking people here!!! So: THANKS, everyone!

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