Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quick Post: Good News / Bad News

So, in my previous post I mentioned that the antibiotics prescribed to me (Keflex / Cephalexin) might had resulted in some diarrhea.

I kind of understated that. I won't go into tremendous detail here, but let me put it to you this way: explosive diarrhea + a sore post-surgical body = my first investment in adult diapers...and I'm embarrassed to say it was not a waste in money.

Yesterday I was sent into the lab for some testing. I took a nap, woke up, and unloaded such a sample here I didn't know what I'd have left when I arrived at the lab. It turned out to not be much, but the lab assistant said it should be.

(Let's imagine together, for a moment, how awesome that little exchange was for him? Somewhere he's writing in his "I Wish I'd Just Gone to Med School" blog: A cancer patient came in today to provide a sample. We always offer our assistance and this chick, mercifully, turned us down. I could hear her through the door, though, struggling with the container and I was feeling kind of bad laughing every time the toilet flushed. I mean, really, whose idea was it to put auto-flushing toilets in a bathroom designed for specimen collections? When she came out and asked if her sample was a sufficient size I admit I had to a little fun with her by asking if it also contained urine? She said she tried really hard to keep the urine out, and I decided to let her off the hook and say it looked fine....)

ANYWAY: it was sufficient because I got a call from Dr. Hansen last night at about 8:45 telling me that she needed to switch me to Flagyl because the Cephalexin had promoted a bacteria resulting in the diarrhea. We found a pharmacy open until 10, she called it in, and my Dad headed out the door to go get it for me.

A side note here: G was already in bed, asleep when she called. He has had a long couple of days and nights. In addition to sitting in the hospital waiting for my surgery, worrying about how he was going to even tell me about the lymph node, etc, he has also had to sleep in bed with parents have the guest bed. Sharing a bed with me is NORMALLY not a chore but I've been up several times throughout the night for long stretches of time which is disrupting his sleep. And his presence in the room during a pre-diaper incident, well...he didn't gag or anything (which he sometimes does with the dog and O!) Despite all of this, he started to get up to make the pharmacy run even though my Dad was awake and dressed.

He was really glad to have let my Dad make that run when his pager started going off at about 2, resulting in G leaving the house...

It still sucks more to be me than him, but when he left for work today I felt like it's the closest we've been in the race since we've started.

That's about it for now...the only real question now is: Flagyl, what have YOU got in store for me?

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