Friday, March 2, 2012

17 of 28 DONE

So I've hit the MORE THAN HALFWAY mark on this radiation thing. 

My skin is a lovely, fluorescent pink.  It's not terribly painful yet but it's starting to itch like a sunburn can.  When they take the sticky bolus off of me after treatment that can hurt, but nothing is unbearable.

Greg came last week to a session and took some pictures.  I had thought he would be able to stay in the room during the zapping and get some video but they're a little sensitive about accidentally radiating people there or something!  ANYWAY: here are the pix:

Here is the table I lay on--you can see my hands overhead.  There are little sponges under my wrists to help with the arms falling asleep--it takes a little longer now for the discomfort.  And that's Linnea, one of my rad techs.

Here they are lining up the green laser lines with my tattoos on my ribs.  I have to be perfectly "level" before they can begin my treatment.  After lining up the rib tats they move the table and get my clavicle tattoo lined up as well.  

A clearer picture of the green lasers, although at this point they're obviously not lined up on my tattoos anymore.  The large round blue thing hovering over me moves around me during the treatment.

There's a little snapshot of what my 28 treatments look like.  It's definitely just become a part of the routine now so it doesn't feel like the drag it did in the beginning.  And while radiation is no picnic, it's still better than chemo was.

It's hard to believe that two weeks from today I will be DONE with treatment!  I cannot wait.  But whatever will I do with myself then?

....I need to find a date to the Hunger Games on March 23rd!

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