Friday, March 9, 2012

The FINAL Countdown...

After today, I will have 5 more radiations to go! 

This week has definitely brought the discomfort of the burned skin. 

I continue to slather on the calendula at least twice a day, and a new lotion, Aquaphor, at least once a day.  Next week the doctors may stop the use of the bolus which "tricks" the radiation into staying closer to the skin surface so that will help with the burns.  In the meantime, I'm thinking the "fatigue" that hits at the end of radiation is the result of the discomfort of the burns.  I'm tense when I'm awake and I'm not sleeping particularly well (despite loading up on pain killers of several varieties!)  I definitely hit a wall in the late afternoon, and I'm going to bed earlier and earlier!

In other news, I HATE MY HAIR.  Now, I want to say that I know 6-months-ago-me would punch present-tense-me for saying that because 6 months ago I would have given ANYTHING just to have hair.  But hear me out: my hair has come in so uncontrollably curly that I can't do anything with it.  I wake up in the mornings and it looks like I've (barely) survived a tornado!  And I don't have a hairdresser who I know locally who can do anything with this mess.  I have tried to dry it with a hair dryer to make it straighter but, really, it just makes it poof out.  Here are two photos of my hair so you can get a sense of the craziness:

So, if you know a hairdresser who can handle the madness that is my new-wave hair here in the Portland area, please let me know.

And join me, won't you, in the final countdown?


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