Monday, August 15, 2011

Life's a Beach

We went to the beach for the weekend to celebrate my being CHEMO FREE on Thursday.  My sister and her husband joined us for what we hoped would be a fun weekend!  It was their 10th wedding anniversary on Thursday so we were going to celebrate that, too.

G & B left early to get the place set up, and us girls and O followed after work.  The drive there was great, but we were already pushing things with O arriving almost an hour past his bedtime and still needing to get him dinner.  So, unfortunately, because his sleep schedule was so off he was very difficult to get to sleep that night...and as you parents of little ones know (and you parents of older ones can remember) once they're off their sleep schedule and in a strange place...well, to put it bluntly: you're screwed.  The biggest problem was that he was sleeping in his Thomas the Tank Engine tent, as opposed to being "locked in" by the bars of a crib or netting of a pack'n'play so he just would not stay laying down!  It was very frustrating and, as you might imagine, caused a little strain between Mommy and Daddy as we attempted to problem solve...but O is normally such a good sleeper that we are ill-equipped to deal with the opposite situation. SO: that was super fun.

Worse still, though, was that my sis and b-i-l got the call from his parents that their dog wasn't doing so well.  They have already had to say good-bye to one dog this summer, and Jack has been sick for a while, but still.  On Saturday night Jack passed we had a sad Sunday morning. 

All that having been said, it really was still nice to get away, and Saturday (once we all got a little sleep) was great.  O had fun at the beach:

(it would have been more fun if Mom and Auntie F had let him shovel up the starfish, though)
and the grownups had fun on Saturday as well.  But I think it's safe to say we are all looking forward to our next weekend together when things will hopefully go more smoothly!

As for me, I am fighting a bit of a head cold.  Nothing major but I was a bit achy yesterday until I took a few Tylenol.  Hopefully by Thursday I'll be cleared up and ready for my 8 am appointment at the drip-drip-lounge and my new series of drugs.  As you recall, the A/C is going to be administered in 4 cycles every other week so if I stay on schedule I will have treatments 8/18, 9/1, 9/15 & 9/29.  On the Fridays after chemo I will have to go back to the doctor for my Neulasta shots...I had hoped I'd be able to self-administer the shots but unfortunately the insurance companies will only cover the cost if you go back in (which seems silly to me, but I've never spent a good deal of time trying to figure out insurance companies...)

Fingers and toes are crossed here in the hopes that I tolerate the A/C as well as I tolerated the Taxol...

Have a great week.

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