Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Windy (& Pink) City


Did you know OCTOBER is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS month?  (From now on, that's BCA for short.)

Once again, I'm reminded of that at almost every turn...and I guess it's nice but also, yeah, I am aware of that.

On Friday, G and I left Portland for a long weekend in Chicago.  This is the first time we've both left O alone at the same time.  I confess I shed some tears when I dropped him off at daycare Friday morning.  I think that's due in part to the fact that not only will I not see him this whole weekend, but then I get back and within 72 hours I'll be having my surgery.  And once I have my surgery there's no picking up O for I don't know how long...but weeks.  And that's going to be REALLY REALLY HARD (for me....he's a resilient little dude who will relish the additional time with Daddy, Granny & Grandpa).

ANYWAY: G has a conference here and I'm tagging along for fun.  Friday night we had dinner at a restaurant attached to our hotel and there in the bar menu was the drink that, if ordered, would result in $1 being donated to BCA.

Then on Saturday, I met my sorority little sister miss liz at 900 N. Michigan to shop.  It was so great to see her and catch up--it had been exactly a year since we were last together at Whittier College's Homecoming!  At the Mall, I learned that Bloomingdale's is REALLY into BCA month...

Elsewhere in the city, buildings have pink's a pic from last year I found online:

Last night we had dinner out and in the elevator at the hotel there was a lady with a pink Hard Rock Guitar pin, complete with the BCA pink ribbon.

I'm just saying, there are lots of reminders.  It gets to be a bit much, but then I guess I'm glad that I don't have some other cancer like Ovarian Cancer because I'd probably be even MORE annoyed!  I mean, can you imagine having some other type of cancer?  What a bummer Breast Cancer month would be. 

I guess I just need to let this all go, right?  I mean, I'm on vacation...I need to just relax and enjoy myself whether surrounding by pink or not.  It has been nice and relaxing so far.  Tomorrow I will go with G for the keynote address of the conference, then meet another friend from college for lunch!  It's so great that I'm getting to catch up with people while we're here...

Other than that, not much to report.  This time next week I'll probably be home in an upright position complaining about my surgery.  I've definitely got some anxiety about all that, but I'll be glad it's OVER!  Before I left town I got all of my pre-op appointments done--blood work, flu shot, chest xray & EKG on Wednesday--and all look good.

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