Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Long Time, No Write

So it's been a while.  Mostly I'm writing this post because I don't want people who come to my blog to have the first thing they read be an update about diarrhea.  (Which by the way, we finally figured out: it wasn't c-diff, it wasn't lactation intolerance, it was the study drug....I guess when the label says "TAKE WITH FOOD" you should really...you know...take with food?)

Anyway, lots has happened since my last post.  I turned 40.  O turned 3.  I've met with my radiation oncologist who just checked me out and said I was doing fine.  Got to see my radiation team again, which was nice.  You go from people being a daily part of your life for 6 weeks to nothing...it is weird. 

All in all I'm doing well.  I have stiffness in my left arm which I'm sure is the result of the lymph nodes being removed and scarring from that and the radiation.  I will probably need to go see a physical therapist eventually for that...but I haven't yet because: LIFE.  Life is happening now, people, and I don't want to be bothered with this dumb cancer thing!

This time last year I was contemplating what bald person to be for Halloween.

This year, with my chemo curls, I have some options, too!

Glee's Blaine at the no-hair-gel prom.  If only I could get away with slicking it back like he does on a day-to-day basis.

Napoleon Dynamite.  Just need to find the glasses.
This one is the latest idea: I just need to pull on the top part of my head and I can look like this!!!

 So, yeah, lots of options.  I keep thinking it's getting straighter at the root and am fighting the temptation to go cut all of the curls off but it's getting tougher!  I think I'd like it short if it were straight, but these curls are TOO, TOO much.

That's about it from here.  Tomorrow I meet with Dr. Chui to discuss my progress and, I'm sure, my soon-to-be menopause.  I'll try to write an update in the next few weeks to debrief that.

In the meantime: LIFE!

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